Ready to Rock your little ones’s world! Rockabye Baby

A perfect idea for folks with newborns !

A cool French friend had just given birth to her second little boy. She’s the one who introduced us to ‘Rockabye Baby’ –  an American company that converts modern rock and hits into soft gentle lullabies that won’t drive us up the wall after hearing it for hours on end trying to get the little one relaxed and sleeping. The great thing is…. no excuses for anyone not knowing how to help sooth the little one – esp.  Dad’s – you can hum along to the famous tunes too. In fact we tested it out (like all the products we carry) and we found that the selection of music is universally accepted – our Japanese friends who may not be familiar with English lullabies managed to get hooked and listen to the Beatles and Coldplay Tunes whilst rocking their little ones to bed. And even the toughest of dads vote this clever little invention as a ‘hit’!

A hit and we love it  – come and see our limited selection here. 


You can also read a bit more about all the hype about Rockabye on their news site. You can also sample their tracks too. 

Ciao for now!


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